Bra Sommarmöbler: Launches technology-driven and lightning-fast eCommerce

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Bra Sommarmöbler: Launches technology-driven and lightning-fast eCommerce


Simon Forslund

June 14, 2021

The outdoor furniture company Bra Sommarmöbler leaves a  record year behind where eCommerce had a turnover of 55  million SEK with the growth of as much as 50%. The company has launched a new eCommerce with the aim of further digital growth. 

The new site is the company's own interpretation of how a modern eCommerce should function, all graphical work is done in-house by the marketing team.

Crafted in-house with a focus on inspiration and engaging content 

All departments have been involved to provide feedback and comments, the result is an eCommerce that really breathes Bra Sommarmöbler. A major focus has been on creating a converting and modern eCommerce that both inspires and informs with the help of the company’s digital magazine. 


Well thought out and well worked for minimal maintenance 

During the project, the goal has always been that what is designed should be developed with the support of smart technology for minimal or no maintenance. Thanks to this, the company has automated a large portion of their previous product management while at the same time having coherent and state-of-the-art eCommerce that makes it easy for the customer to find they look for. 

With a Headless architecture based on Magento 2 combined with Microsoft Business Central and Alokai, the company has taken a big step into the future. To enable some of the work around their design, they have also chosen to collaborate with Yotpo, which helps the company to link reviews and customer content in an exemplary way. 

Automation based on product data 

The technology chosen has made it possible for the company to create automatic relationships in an innovative way that is based on product data sorting all products and variants in the range.

This means that the customer can constantly navigate around between different colors and designs of a product or series, without any extra hand-laying from the company more than structured product data. 

Lightning-fast PWA with a focus on the user experience 

The architecture is modular and the front end communicates via API with the underlying systems required for the function being used. Simply a lightning-fast PWA (progressive web application). For the user, this means many advantages, but the main one is that the loading time is very short and can be perceived by the user as non-existent. 

It’s crucial for buyers to have a native-app-like experience on Mobile and now they can do it without being tied to native app technology. We are more than happy to see that Bra  Sommarmöbler turned the website into a PWA with Alokai together with us.

Patrick Friday, CEO, Alokai 

Educates and inspires visitors 

The huge project was launched in mid-March and is a big boost for both Bra Sommarmöbler as a company but of course also for their customers. It has never been easier to buy outdoor furniture online. The AR functionality on the site is further developed and a large amount of content is well integrated, which educates and facilitates for the customer.  

It has been a very fun and educational project; we had an extreme time pressure where we only had 4 months with Christmas leave to go from 0 to 100. However, we have been well prepared about what to do and how for us have it has been a great advantage that we developed the design ourselves. It creates a completely different feeling for the functions on the page and what is the basis for them.  

Simon Forslund, eCommerce manager, Bra Sommarmöbler

Contact details:
+46 703 55 12 88 



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